What You Should Know at a New Jersey Traffic Stop
September 25, 2019
Virtually everyone wants to avoid being pulled over by the police, much less arrested at a traffic stop. Traffic stops are stressful, not only due to the fear of receiving an expensive traffic ticket and potentially being forced to appear in court, but also because you run the risk of an officer suspecting more than just a simple motor vehicle violation. In fact, facing criminal charges after a cop pulls you over for something like speeding, improper turn, or unsafe lane change is among the ... Read More»
Vaping Related Crimes in New Jersey
September 19, 2019
Vape Pen, Marijuana, & THC Defense Lawyers in Union NJ Vaping has become increasingly popular among teens and young adults and recently, there have been a number of respiratory illnesses caused by vaping. New Jersey has reported that at least 15 young people suffered from severe diseases related to e-cigarettes/vaping and more than 200 cases have been reported nationwide. This has caused the New Jersey Department of Health and CDC to seek reports and data from doctors and healthcare ... Read More»
How Do Police Know if You are Driving Drunk?
September 12, 2019
As most New Jersey residents are aware, the state has set a general blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit—applicable to adult, non-commercial drivers—of .08 for driving after drinking alcohol. This applies to anyone found driving drunk, including first offenses, and those with two, three, or more offenses. Drivers under the legal drinking age of 21 can face a DWI conviction if they are caught driving with any measurable BAC, even as low as .01, and commercial drivers can be charged with ... Read More»
Central Judicial Processing (CJP) Court Explained
September 5, 2019
Have to go to Central Judicial Processing, What is It? Central Judicial Processing (CJP court) occurs when anyone in the State of New Jersey has been charged with an indictable offense. CJP court is your first appearance in court after you have been charged with an offense that is essentially the equivalent of a felony in another state. It is important to have an attorney present for this critical step in your case, as it could direct the course of action taken against you by the ... Read More»